Happy fourth week of March! All are welcome to attend our 10 AM service this Sunday, March 25, 2025 at the Cherryfield Congregational Church.

Rev. Larry Zimmerman is away this week. This week’s service will be lead by Rick Harter and Peter Duston. This week’s message is titled, “Making a Difference” Our scripture reading this week is Matthew 5:13-16 . Coffee Fellowship will follow our the service.

Please watch our service online if you can’t make it in person. Amy Mathews will be streaming our service on our Facebook page.

Blessings in the week ahead. Do good for others, serve God, and keep and practice our faith in the week ahead! :)!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, the beginning of Spring, and the third week of March! All are welcome to attend our 10 AM service this Sunday, March 16, 2025 at the Cherryfield Congregational Church.

Rev. Larry Zimmerman is back! Rev. Zimmerman’s ‘s message is titled, “Unstoppable Love.” Our scripture reading this week is Luke 5:12-16. Coffee Fellowship will follow our the service. There will also be a Church Council Meeting after the service.

Please watch our service online if you can’t make it in person. Amy Mathews will be streaming our service on our Facebook page.

Blessings in the week ahead. Do good for others, serve God, and keep and practice our faith in the week ahead! !

Welcome to the second Sunday of March and the beginning of Lent. On Saturday Night, March 8th We Spring Ahead! Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour as we switch to Daylight Savings Time! All are welcome to attend our service this Sunday, March 9th at 10AM.

The Rev. Angela Davis and Rev, Nick Davis will be preaching. Rev. Zimmerman is away. The message for this week is titled, “The Desert Waits”. The message is based on scriptures from Luke 4:1-13. Coffee Fellowship will follow the service.

Amy Mathews will be streaming our service on our church Facebook page. (Thanks for your dedication, Amy!).

Enjoy the week ahead. Keep and live your faith! 🙂

Welcome to the new month of March. Longer and warmer days will soon be here. Next Saturday, March 8th We Spring ahead! All are welcome to attend our service this Sunday, March 2nd at 10AM. Communion will be served.

The Rev. Angela Davis and Rev, Nick Davis will be preaching. Rev. Zimmerman is away. The message for this week is titled, “Listen to Him”. The message is based on scriptures from Luke 9: 28-36 and Exodus 34: 29-35. Coffee Fellowship will follow the service.

Amy Mathews will be streaming our service on our church Facebook page. (Thanks for your dedication, Amy!).

Enjoy the week ahead. Keep and live your faith! 🙂

Happy School Vacation Week, High School Tournament Week, and Happy 4th Sunday of February. Our Service will be held this Sunday, February 23rd at 10AM.

The Rev. Angela Davis and Rev, Nick Davis will be preaching. Rev. Zimmerman is away. The message for this week is titled, “Love without Limits”. The message is based on scriptures from Luke 6:27-36 and Hebrews 13: 1-8. Coffee Fellowship will follow the service.

Amy Mathews will be streaming our service on our church Facebook page. (Thanks for your dedication, Amy!).

Enjoy the week ahead. Keep and live your faith! :)!

Belated Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy 3rd Sunday of February. Due to Sunday’s anticipated snowstorm, we will be holding our church service this Saturday, February 15th at 10AM. All are welcome.

The Rev. Larry Zimmerman will be preaching. His message is titled, “Somebody Special”. His message is based on scripture from Luke 6:17-26. Coffee Fellowship will follow the service. There will also be a Church Council Meeting also.

Amy Mathews will be streaming our service on our church Facebook page. (Thanks for your dedication, Amy!) or you can read through the service in our online version below.

Belated Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy 3rd Sunday of February. Due to Sunday’s anticipated snowstorm, we will be holding our church service this Saturday, February 15th at 10AM. All are welcome.

The Rev. Larry Zimmerman will be preaching. His message is titled, “Somebody Special”. His message is based on scripture from Luke 6:17-26. Coffee Fellowship will follow the service. There will also be a Church Council Meeting also.

Amy Mathews will be streaming our service on our church Facebook page. (Thanks for your dedication, Amy!) or you can read through the service in our online version that will be posted soon.

Enjoy the week ahead. Keep and live your faith! Also enjoy the tournaments in Bangor and also the 1/2 priced Valentine’s Day Candy! !

The Sunday, February 9, 2025 Church Service is Cancelled Due to the Predicted Snowstorm. Stay Safe in the Storm.

All are invited to attend our service this Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 10AM. Our service this week will be led by Alice Duston and Katie Mathews-Parker. Rev.Larry Zimmerman is away.

Our message for this week is titled “Making a Difference”. The service will be followed by Coffee Fellowship. If church is cancelled on February 9th due to the storm, we will announce it on our Facebook page.

Thanks again to Amy Mathews who has been exceptionally faithful in streaming our service every week. Have a great week, live your faith and do good for others. !

Welcome to the First Sunday of February and Ground Hog Day! Many of us are hoping the Groundhog predicts an early Spring. :)! This winter has seemed more normal with more snow and colder temperatures than other recent winters.

All are welcome to join us this Sunday for our 10 AM service.Please come to church, read through our service in the pictures below, or watch our service on our church Facebook page. A big thanks to Amy Mathews for streaming our service this week!

This week our service will be lead by Rev. Dr. Nick Davis and Rev. Mary Angela Davis. Rev. Zimmerman is away. Today’s message is titled, “Still More Excellent Way.” Our scripture reading this week is from Jeremiah 1:4-10 (NRSV). Communion will be shared in the service. The service will be followed by Coffee Fellowship.

Enjoy the week ahead! Have faith in yourself and especially God in guiding you. Remember to have faith in God, do good for others, and also in the world.

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